Rules of The Club for 2024.

1. Objectives of the club:

1.1 To promote and encourage participation in the sport of pigeon racing

1.2 To promote and encourage distance pigeon racing and for that purpose to organise races for the membership of the club.

2. Organisation and Membership:

2. Name: The club shall be called the Midlands National Flying Club.

2.2 Affiliation: The club shall be affiliated to the Royal Pigeon Racing Association (RPRA) and will adopt all its compulsory standard rules.

2.3 Headquarters: Registered Headquarters will be the home address of the secretary.

2.4 Meetings: Committee meetings shall be held at suitable venues throughout the clubs boundaries.

2.5 Boundaries: The boundaries of the club will be all lofts in England and Wales situated north of latitude 51.55.00N and south of latitude 54.30.00N.

2.6 Prescribed Area: The prescribed area may be divided into sections. The number and boundaries of the sections will be decided by the committee as part of their management of the club.

Explanatory note: The committee has decided that the section boundaries for the current year will be as follows:

W Section: All lofts flying north of latitude 52.52.00N, south of latitude 54.40.00N and west of longitude 2.32.00W

NW Section: All lofts flying north of latitude 52.52 00N, south of latitude 53.40.00N and west of longitude 1-55-00W and east of longitude 2-32-00W

NC Section: All lofts flying north of latitude 52-52-00N, south of latitude 54-30-00N, east of longitude 1-55-00W and west of longitude 1-00-00W.

NE Section: All lofts flying north of latitude 52-52-00N, south of latitude 54-30-00N and east of longitude 1-00-00W.

SE Section: All lofts flying north of latitude 51.55.00N, south of latitude 52.52.00N, east of longitude 01.00.00W and all lofts within the Norfolk boundary.

SC Section: All lofts flying north of latitude 51.55.00N, south of latitude 52.52.00N, east of longitude 01.55.00W and west of longitude 01.00.00W.

SW Section: All lofts flying north of latitude 51.55.00N, south of latitude 52.52.00N and west of longitude 01.55.00W.

WNW Section: All lofts flying north of latitude 53.40.00N, south of latitude 54.30.00N, west of longitude 2.32.00W

3. Officers of the club will consist of the following: President, Vice Presidents, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Auditor, Committee, Secretary(s) and Life Vice Presidents.

3.1.1 All officers are elected at the Annual General Meeting.

3.1.2 All officers will be elected individually.

3.1.3 The committee will be elected with a maximum of not more than 6 delegates per section.

3.2 Powers and duties of committee:

The entire management of the club shall be vested in the committee for the time being. Five committee members to form a quorum, who shall have the power to add to their numbers and fill any vacancies that occur. The Committee will set the race entry fees and may make any other regulations and conditions as to the management of the club, its races and anything therewith that shall be binding upon every member from the time they are made and advised to the members. The committee to decide any issue that is not covered by these rules. The committee have the authority to purchase the pigeon ‘life rings’ from any organisation or union recognised by the RPRA, providing that their manufacture is of a standard approved by the RPRA

3.3 Committee meetings:

Committee meetings shall take place to regulate the affairs of the club. Seven days’ notice in writing shall be given to each committee member. Meetings shall be held as follows:

3.3. 1Four regular meetings per year plus any other as required.

3.3.2 To set the prizes, conditions and race dates, consider the agenda for the AGM and to review the accounts.

3.3.3 To resolve disputes and, in the event of an objection, matters affecting race results.

3.3.4 Any other business to be considered at committee meetings not mentioned above may be brought forward.

3.3.5 Reasonable travelling expenses will be paid.

3.4 Definition of committee:

The committee, composed of all officers and officials of the club, shall be construed to mean the majority so elected attending a committee meeting, called by the secretary by notice in writing, notified by any appropriate means to each member of the committee.

3.5 Emergency committee:

The president has the power to convene a meeting of five members to deal with any matter which, in the opinion of the president, needs an immediate decision. Such decision to be confirmed at the next committee meeting. Objections which need to be resolved within the time specified under RPRA rules may be decided by such emergency committee.

4. Meetings and voting:

The Annual General Meeting, the statement of Accounts, voting papers and any propositions shall be available to download from the clubs website fourteen days prior to the meeting.Members wishing to recieve a paper copy should contact the Club Secretary directly.Detailed results of the voting to be included in the official report of the AGM published in the British Homing World and on the Clubs website.

4.1 Card votes received by the designated person not later than the last Friday before the AGM shall count.

No vote by show of hands will be applicable. Simple majority shall decide, one loft, one vote.

The chairman of the meeting shall not have a casting vote on postal ballots; a tied vote will be declared not carried.

4.2 Voting figures cast by the committee when making recommendations on proposals for the Annual General Meeting will be shown under each item. The committee may also publish their comments on any proposition that they consider to be unworkable or detrimental to the finances of the club. 

5. Not used.

6. All members must declare at which club or region their RPRA subscriptions are paid.

6.1 Entrance fee shall be £7.50 per loft. In the case of organisations (Clubs or Federations) of more than 20 members the entrance fee shall be waived when they intend to duplicate birds from the MNFC.

6.2 Application for membership. Applications must be in writing and include the entrance fee and annual subscription plus payment for any rings required. All applications to be confirmed at a committee meeting.

6.3 Subscriptions: The annual subscription shall be £40.00 per loft and shall be paid before the 1st day of March each year. This increase shall take effect from the year 2024. If a member has not paid his subscription before the date mentioned in this rule there will be a surcharge of £5 to cover the cost of any further administration.

6.4.1 Ring sales. Club rings will be £9.00 per 20, plus a further £4.00 post and packing to be added to all orders. Any increase in price will not take effect until the start of the next season.

6.4.2 Irrespective of the provisions of rule 6.4.1 and in the event of an increase in costs, the committee may increase the price of rings sold to members.

6.5 Rule deleted

6.6 Resignations: members requiring acknowledgement of a resignation must enclose a stamped addressed envelope. Resigned members of the club forfeit all claims to its property.

7. Dissolution: all RPRA rules apply.

8. Bank account(s): There shall be a separate banking account(s) in the name of the Midlands National Flying Club. Payments shall be made by bank transfer or cheque signed by the secretary and treasurer or another official signatory.

8.1 Finance: All cheques, money and postal orders received by the secretary shall be paid directly into the bank account.

No cash shall be utilised for the purpose of the club unless it has first been paid into the bank.

8.2. Any member whose race entry cheque is not honored when paid in at the bank will be disqualified from the race and steps will be taken to recover the race entry fees.

8.3 Rule deleted

9. Grievances and disciplinary matters.

Any grievance or objection with the club shall be referred to the committee for consideration and must be accompanied by a fee of £50.00 inclusive of VAT. Should the objection be upheld this fee will be returned.

10. Special meeting: Will be called as required.

11. Arrears: RPRA rules will be applied as necessary.

11.1 Race entry forms will not be sent to those members who have not paid a subscription.

12. Forfeit: Members being expelled, excluded or suspended from the club will forfeit all claims to fees or property.

13. Penalty: Failure to comply with the RPRA rules, club rules, club committee rules and committee clock or marking rules may result in members being suspended, disqualified or other disciplinary action to be determined by the committee.

13.1 Failure to comply with these rules, the race conditions printed in this book or on the race entry forms, may entail disqualification from any race.

14. Race results will be published in the fancy press as soon as is possible after the race. Claims or objections must be made in writing within 14 days of the publication of the result in the fancy press. Results will show the 1st 200 open positions and the first 20 section positions, plus all prize and pool money winning entries. A full result of all birds timed will be published on the club’s website and also available to be viewed and copies taken if required at a public library website.

15. Race closure: All races shall close at 330 yards per minute. All clock envelopes must be received by the secretary within 72 hours of the race closure. Clock envelopes received after 72 hours may not be included in the result.

16. Performance enhancing:

The committee reserves the right to select and have any entry tested for the use of performance enhancing drugs/substances. Failure to allow access will result in disqualification and may entail suspension.

17. Adjudication: Will be applied as necessary.

18. Clock rules: The complete Part Q of the RPRA rules shall apply inclusive.

18.1 Clocks must be set for competition prior to the day of planned liberation; ETS to be set at race marking station. In the event of a clock needing to be reset, the clock officer must indicate this on the dials. Clocks must be presented for checking against the same master timer to which it was set, with the exception of ETS, within 22hrs. of the first bird being timed in. Time of checking to be arranged by the clock station officer i/c.

19. Clock stations: No clock station or clock official willing to fulfil the duties of clock officer, shall be permitted in any locality unless approved by the committee of the MNFC or such person appointed by the committee. Club marking and clock rules are the responsibility of the committee.

20. Hours of darkness: The committee will decide on relevant hours of darkness for each race once the specific programme has been agreed. The Hours of Darkness can be found on page 54.

21. Unused:


22.1 The committee shall determine the number of races, the race points and the race dates as part of their management of the club.

22.2 All members at marking stations shall hand over to the official marking committee the full consignment of entry intact, to be taken out of basket or crate by officials of the marking committee.

22.3 One race each year must comply with the minimum flying distance of 451 miles to comply with claims for RPRA long distance category awards.

22.4 Members must take their pigeons to the marking stations nominated on their entry form unless any change be agreed by club secretaries or president. Race fees and pools are not returnable to members whose birds fail to arrive at the marking station.

22.5 The committee have the power to veto any sites that are deemed unsuitable for a MNFC liberation (i.e. size, facilities or hazards) and instead find an alternative more suitable site. In the event of unfavorable weather conditions or other arising emergency, the President, after consultation with the convoyer and race controller may authorise the birds to be moved to and liberated at a more suitable race location.

22.6 The longest race of the old bird programme may be liberated on a Friday.

22.7 In the case of winds on the channel being in excess of 18 mph with gusts of 25-30 mph which threatens the health and safety of the pigeons, the convoyer has the authority to hold the pigeons under his charge until conditions improve and offers prospects of a successful race.

22.8 The committee shall have the power to disqualify a bird from the result, if, in their opinion, after having given full consideration to the circumstances and conditions prevailing at the time, that a bird returns an improbable velocity.

23. Pools. Two series of pools for SECTION and OPEN competition shall be organised by the committee with entries at £1, £2, £3, £4, £5, £10, £15 and £20. Members have a choice of any or all options. One prize will be paid for every 15 entries for pools £1 - £10 and one prize for every 8 entries for pools £15 and £20. Plus a £5 single bird nomination and £2.00 unlimited nomination, winner take all. 10% deducted from all pools and nominations before allocation.

PART A of the entry form must reach the secretary or his nominee on or before the dates specified, pool entries may not be altered or added to after receipt of the same. PART B of the entry form must be handed in with the birds at the time of marking.


24.1 Gold ring scheme: The club will organise a gold ring race in conjunction with the longest young bird race. Members will be limited to 10 rings per loft at £6 (six pounds) per ring. Rings transferred to other members will make them invalid for the gold ring race. The total from the sale of gold rings (minus expenses and 10% administration costs) to be paid out in prizes for the longest young bird race. Prize money be 30% open, payable in three prizes (15% 10% 5%) with the remainder to the sections, pro-rata to rings sold. 15 prizes per section split 20%, 2 @ 10% and 12 @ 5%. open gold ring winners are eligible for section prizes.Any section prize money not won shall be carried over and added to the section prize money in the next gold ring race.


25.1 Diplomas: The first 50 birds in the open result of each race shall receive a diploma plus any bird taking a position in the first 10 of each section not appearing in the first 100.

25.2 A roll of honour, listing the names of all past open winners of the club shall be printed in the rule book.

25.3 A diploma of distinction be awarded to any bird placed in the first 100 open positions from the longest race on three separate occasions. Claims must be made in writing within one month of the qualifying performance being issued.

25.4 In the 2005 member’s handbook and in each subsequent year thereafter, a detailed list of cups and awards that are being raced for shall be printed. In the 2005 member’s handbook, and in each subsequent year thereafter, an exact definition shall be printed, of which races constitute the various categories of averages.

25.5 It is the responsibility of members who are presented with perpetual trophies to ensure that they are returned in the same condition as they receive them and that they return them to either a member of the Club’s Committee or hand them into the nearest Marking Station on or before the last marking date of the season.

25.6 Any satellite races i.e. old hen’s, treble chance young bird or old bird races and yearling races flown on the same day and in conjunction with the main race, shall not be included in any Midlands National Flying Club averages. In all satellite races the race conditions will be decided by the committee with regard to prize-money and trophies to be awarded reflecting on the size of the entry in each race.

25.7 It is the responsibility of all trophy winners to either collect their awards at the MNFC presentation evening or make pre-arrangements with the MNFC to collect trophies at any of the shows that the MNFCis in attendance at after the presentation evening.

26. All race distances will be obtained by the secretary directly from the RPRA from loft numbers supplied by the members.

27. Verifications & Conditions;

a. In all races liberated on Saturday or Sunday, within 60 minutes of timing their first bird, competitors must contact the secretary either by telephoning Libline or online, giving the details of their section number, name, clocking time in ( hours, minutes & seconds) and the ring number of the bird. In races liberated on Sunday, first birds on the second day must be verified to the secretary as soon as possible.

b. In races liberated on a Monday or any other weekday with the exception of the longest old bird race, competitors must within 60 minutes of timing their first bird, contact the secretary by telephoning Libline or online, giving the details of their section number, name, clocking time in ( hours, minutes & seconds) and the ring number of the bird, first birds on the second day must be verified to the secretary as soon as possible.

c. In the Clubs longest old bird race, competitors must verify their first arrival as per conditions ‘a.’ on the first two days of the race, first birds timed in on the third day must be verified to the secretary as soon as possible.

d. Failure to carry out this procedure will result in disqualification.

27.1 Any bird may be physically verified by the secretary, or whosoever appointed as a deputy, for verification, birds must be alive and will be released within 100 yards of the competitor’s loft.

27.2 Any member having their arrival times published by a third-party website prior to the official publication of the MNFC leaderboard may be disqualified from the race.

27.3 The race secretary will publish a leaderboard for all races on the Midlands National website as soon as reasonably practicable after a competitor has verified his first arrival either by telephone or online.

28. Pools and Prizes Not Won: In the event of guaranteed prize money not being won through insufficient arrivals at the close of the race, such prizes shall remain with the club. In the event of insufficient arrivals to claim pools then the pools be re-allocated amongst those successful entries. Any pools not won must be claimed by the competing member within 28 days of the publication of the race result. Race fees and pools are not returnable to members whose birds fail to arrive at the marking station.

29. Claims: The secretary will deal with claims made in writing for positions, pools and prizes from published race results. Items that are unable to be resolved by mutual agreement between the secretary and the member will be deemed a grievance or objection under Rule 9.

Form B must be completed in full,all birds ring numbers must be on form B