AGM 2024

                      2024 AGM & Committee Report
                         Sunday 7th January 2024
The AGM was held at the Clock Warehouse, Shardlow on 7th January at 1.00pm there were fourteen members present. The minutes of the previous AGM were read out and with no matters arising they were passed and accepted by the members attending. The accounts were presented by the treasurer reporting on the difficulties the Club encountered racing from France and the costs of vets attending marking stations plus the loss of income from a reduced membership resulted in a loss of £28,000 . The accounts were discussed at length and all agreed that every aspect of the Club’s spending and future costings would need to be assessed and difficult decisions made to take the Club forward. The accounts were accepted and passed unanimously.
There were 81 resignations which were accepted with regret, the secretary reported that more than 50% of these fanciers had left the sport, on the plus side we had accepted 29 new members.
Permission was given to destroy old documents and with this done all offices were declared vacant. Alistair Ewart was re-elected as President, Tony Whitehurst chairman and Geoff Jakings vice chairman. The vice presidents remain the same with Sean Bowden moving up to vice president, the  committee remain the same with the addition to the committee of Dean McKee NC section, the Press officer will be a shared position with Dean McKee and Miss Laura West taking on the task. Both Alistair Ewart and Andy Seymour were made Life Vice Presidents 
Result of the postal ballot was that both propositions passed and Rule 6.4.1 now reads, Ring Sales, Club rings will be £9.00 per 20, plus a further £4.00. Post & Packing to be added to all orders, any increase in price will take effect until the start of next season. Rule 25.1 now reads, The first 50 birds in the open result of each race shall receive a diploma plus any bird taking a position in the first 10 in each section, not appearing in the first 50 open. The meeting closed at 1.40 pm . 
This was followed by a committee meeting.
The minutes of the December meeting were read out and in matters arising it was decided to review the race programme which was put forward at the previous meeting, with this noted the minutes accepted and passed.
The secretary Jon Dodd’s position was confirmed by the committee, and Miss. Laura West to remain as treasurer.
The race programme was discussed at length with most of the committee getting involved airing their views and the importance of trying to set a realistic entry fees for 
each race to be viable for the Club. It’s an almost impossible task to set the entry fees not knowing how many birds will be entered. It was also noted that the early season could be blighted by cold north east winds and a bad race from Guernsey could impact badly for the later races, with this taken into account, the committee decided all the old bird racing would be from France, staying true to the aims of the club in promoting long distance racing, give the membership the fairest and balanced racing for the middle part of the UK.  The following race programme and entry fees was proposed and accepted. First race Lessay on 25th May entry fee £5.50 per bird; second race Fougeres on 8th June entry fee £6.00; third race Nort-sur-Erdre on 29th June entry fee £7.00; fourth race Rouillet Saint Estephe entry fee £8.00 and fifth race Vire entry fee £5.50 on 20th July. The young bird and old hens races on 7th September will be from Chale entry fees £4.00.
The prize presentation evening will be held at the Quorn Hotel, Quorn on Saturday 9th November 2024. There will be several breeder/buyer sales at different venues around the country terms and conditions and sale days will follow.   Any inquiries please contact the secretary.
The meeting closed at 2.30pm
Tony Whitehurst Chairman